The Patience Dance

Patience – as defined by Wiki- is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way.

The aforementioned words are music to my ears… but come to implementation. “Difficult circumstances” have become – whether we fancy it or not, the new norm of the 21st century …talk about recession, unemployment, high divorce rate…. Rebelling against the recent misfortunes our world has suffered (mainly due to capitalism which results in the sole focus on “I” rather than “we”) is not really an option- trust me, I tried: Patience backed with pro-activity is a much more feasible option.

I have not long ago learned that patience, like optimism, inquisitiveness and curiosity is a “soft” skill. Soft skills are naturally innate, just like art, but to my luck (and maybe yours) I have also learned that just like art, they can also be “acquired”. Patience , which is one ultimate trait of today’s leaders and mentors, can actually be attained – even if one cannot usually get himself to count to 100 before making a decision/ statement, or developing an emotion.
I’ve browsed through a multitude of tips and techniques about mastering the art of patience and thought I’d share a couple which I have found enlightening here. I am currently coming to terms with the fact that I do:

–    Accept the fact that things do take time:  I am part of a bigger community and the world does not revolve around me. As long as I am doing my part and committing to proactivity and positivity, I shall be fine. Looking back at the greatest achievements/ moments of my life, I am coming to realize they have not happened overnight. Time needs to take its course. Let it be while I get busy with other forms of life art..

–     Make a list: which identifies things and circumstances that make me lose my cool. Once that list is compiled, I can then take preemptive measures and the chances for my impatience to arise will then be brought to a minimum.

–    (Not compulsory but works for me &might work for you)- Dance: my words constantly tango their way from my mind to my diary (or blog), I might as well just put my dancing shoes on and dance my way from Beirut to Dubai, London, or New York… Who says I can’t? It does take (plenty of ) time and dedication , but I now know it is actually doable!!

So bottom line really is: Practice – obviously- makes perfect! Care to join and let the “patience” dance roll?!

About monakaraoui

Editor by day, journal blogger by night.. View all posts by monakaraoui

4 responses to “The Patience Dance

  • henedchoueiry

    I hear you:)
    The education of the “I” nowadays(and I’m not only talking about school and colleges but also about the media education) is leading to an empty-essenced self (if this is grammatically possible!). A “we” cannot exist without a good ambitious “I”.

    Unlike you, I shall be patient to dance and not the other way around.
    Until then, dance me in your words.. and after some time, I’ll dance between your lines 🙂

  • Maya Daaboul

    I agree that patience is important and that it can be acquired. But beware, too much patience with people can lead them to take advantage and step on your toes! So there is a fine line between patience and getting your rights these days…
    Walid says Oum Koulthoum rules and if you survive a whole song ur doing well … 🙂

  • monakaraoui

    I’d better start practicing sitting myself still throughout an Oum Koulthoum song then!
    (That isn’t going to be easy, i’m telling you) 🙂

  • Nagham Mehanna

    Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow – that is patience :)… I agree that patience is very important to survive and accept a lot of facts :)….
    very nice words Moon… I like 🙂

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